Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Uh yeah so tip for life #217: Don't put artichoke down the garbage disposal.

Not being one that ever ate artichoke until this year, and not being one that grew up having a disposal ... I thought I would grind up the leftover leaves slowly/running lots of water, since I've noticed other people like to run lots of water/that seems to do the trick. Then, I wouldn't have stinky garbage tomorrow. Genius right? Yeah. Not so much.

The disposal's plan was to grind it all into stringy bits, adequately backing up the sink and the disposal itself. So, Geoff-the-amazing-boyfriend got to spend his evening cleaning up my error, stinking his hand in the sink and taking the plumbing apart trying to fix it.

Ack. :-(
I feel terrible. And terribly lucky to have him.

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