Monday, August 14, 2006

The blood.

Last week, I was going over the work schedule with someone at our company, and mentioned that one of my favorite freelancer's mother died after a long battle with cancer, and that we needed to give her some grace in getting her work into us. Her response?

"Oh we need to cover her in the blood!"

Not one for discussing or mentioning blood myself (it kind of grosses me out really--the visual of literally covering someone in blood), I supposed that this was just her way of saying we needed to pray for her, so I agreed and moved on.

At least twice since then, she has said the same thing: "we need to pray the blood!" or "we just need to cover them in the blood."

Today I returned to work, admittedly a little grumpy and still not feeling great after my eardrum rupturing incident on Thursday. She blazed into my office, raised her hands in the air and declared "the blood" over me. With my boss standing over my shoulder, I muttered a snippy reply under my breath (which she didn't hear) as she left.

I would bet that she read a book or heard a sermon on the importance of Christ's blood and how it holds the power to answer prayer. For the next two or three weeks, the blood will be of utmost imporatance ... until another pastor or author or radio DJ comes along and tells her something ELSE is the most important, and she focuses on that for a spell.

It's funny how we in the Christian community find these little things and just latch onto them, grasping at any way to better connect with our Lord. Some are great, some are life changing .... others seem to just get in the way of what is important.

Doesn't Jesus/God/Holy Spirit hold the power? Are things like praying the blood getting her closer to God? Or is it just refocusing her attention, making her feel good about her prayer life?

It just worries me when people latch onto things like the blood, as if it is the good luck charm to get you in good with The Man Upstairs. I appreciate someone's effort to think of me in prayer, but I really don't like the idea of someone thinking they have the special key that gets their "prayer emails" pushed to the top of God's Inbox.

Prayer is serious business. Sure, it can be said quietly in your head in the middle of the street or outloud and a huge rally. God is always listening, but we are talking to the creator of the universe, the Savior of our souls ... not a genie in a bottle.

Praying is not wishing on a star or blowing out a birthday candle. Declaring the blood, or praying on a rosary and saying the magic Jabez prayer is not your ticket to get what you want when you want, compliments of God.

Next time she offers me the blood, I'm just going to have to ask why... and I know this will lead to a half hour one-sided conversation where she tells me about the latest book she read. Maybe I'll somehow find a way to tell her how I'm really thankful that God doesn't require magic phrase to unlock his ear. God give me grace. Thankfully, he's bigger than my little hang-ups, too. :)


Uhmanduh said...

WHAT, next you'll be saying you don't believe in the prosperity gospel!!?

I personally am going to start my book next week about the healing power of God's sneezes. Case in point: rain.

Well it's nice to hear SOMEONE from work say this.

Amen and amen.

andy said...

I heard a rumor of some church whose members* recently started a trend of "holy peeing themselves in the Spirit". I hope that one doesn't last.

[*yes, there is a bit of a pun here.]

marcia said...

i think i speak for everyone everywhere when i say: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

i've heard of laughing in the spirit and quacking in the spirit, but this is definitely a new one ...