Monday, August 21, 2006

"I want to put DIAMONDS on my FACE!"

Sometimes I think the episode of Arrested Development where Lindsey wants Michael to spring for some face cream with real crushed up diamonds in it, is really not that much of an exaggeration.

My mom and I went to get our pre-wedding make-overs for my brother's wedding, so we did a trial run with the make-up artist, who is amazing and I love to pieces.

She put some high-end Yves Saint Laurent lip gloss on me and said "it's 24 karat gold!" Thinking this means it's the cutesy name for the lip gloss with a gold lid, I just smiled and puckered up.

When I went to look in the mirror I noted it had some gold shimmer to it. She said, "IT'S REAL GOLD! It has 24 karat gold in it!" This instantly worried me. "How do you not get poisoned consuming gold?!? Is there just so little that it's okay??"

She seemed none-to-concerned, shrugging and reiterating that It's REAL GOLD!

So, yeah ... for about $25 a tube, you too can have GOLD on your FACE. :)

1 comment:

Uhmanduh said...

omg I must have it!!

I'm holding out for Platinum Lips by Dior... but maybe I can spring for this too.

I need all the precious metals I can get in my beauty treasure trove.