Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Tour guide for Jesus

Our Bible Study is going through 40 Days of Community, Rick Warren's latest ...

This week, we were talking about evangelism and trying to be intentional about sharing our faith. One guy mentioned the fear that I think we all have (I know I have), that someone will ask a question we don't have the answer to. How will we represent God well if we can't be super-Christian and have a biblically based response for any doubt our potential convert might have?

One of the girls in our group made a simple but profound observation: We aren't tour guides for Jesus. We are on the journey too. And that's okay.

Isn't that so true? It isn't our job to make God look good (I don't really think he needs our help--he is God, creator of the universe), and we shouldn't feel like we need to know all of God's statistics and lifetime achievements. It's okay to be real and honest and tell people we don't know something, to tell them we'd like to research that/look into it and would love to talk about it again later.

It's such a relief really... to realize we can be completely honest with people and not try to have a PR spin on something as important as God and eternity.

Why do we always try to make things so hard? :)

1 comment:

Uhmanduh said...

Definitely true... We were discussing the same thing in our home group last week (we're doing Everybody's Normal Till You Get to Know Them, and it's actually really good!). It's OK not to have all the answers, and if the person who asked isn't OK with that, then they probably weren't very open to begin with, no matter what your answer would've been.